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Magnesium deficiency symptoms

Magnesium deficiency symptoms
Symptoms appear on older leaves first. These are characterized by interveinal chlorosis. As the deficiency progresses, the older leaves die. The largest veins remain green while the smallest do not.
Correction Measure
Foliar spray of MgSO4 1% and Urea 1%

Calcium deficiency symptoms

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms
Growth of the plant is reduced symptoms are first seen at the growing points of the plant, which may become necrotic and die. Marginal leaf chlorosis followed by necrosis will be evident on the youngest leaves. Pale brown sunken areas will also develop around the blossom end of the pepper fruits (blossom – end rot or BER). Flower buds will fail to develop. The youngest leaves will remain small and deformed and will tend to curl upward at the margins.
Correction Measure
Foliar spray of CaSO4 1% or soil application of gypsum @ 25 kg/ha.

Boron deficiency symptoms

Boron Deficiency Symptoms
Newly emerging leaves are malformed. Plants show shunted growth. Chlorotic streaks appear perpendicular to the veins. Incomplete leaf formation and inhibition of fruit and flower. Deficiency of boron may results in reduction in weight and size of the fruit.
Correction Measure
Foliar spray of borax@0.2%

Copper deficiency symptoms

Copper Deficiency Symptoms
Plants show overall droopy appearance with shortened intervals between petiole. Size of leaves reduced.
Correction Measure
Foliar spray of CuSO4@2%

Iron deficiency symptoms

Iron Deficiency Symptoms
Symptoms are first seen in the youngest leaves. Initially the smallest veins remain green, which produces a reticulate pattern of green veins on yellow leaves. The leaves eventually turn completely chlorotic but there is no associated necrosis.
Correction Measure
Foliar spray of FeSO4 0.5% at fortnightly intervals.

manganese deficiency symptoms

Manganese Deficiency Symptoms
Marginal chlorosis of young leaves, which later turn brown. Fruits with raised spots which are dark brown on black in colour.
Correction Measure
Foliar spray of MnSO4@1-2%

Zinc deficiency symptoms

Zinc Deficiency Symptoms
Leaves become small and chlorosis occur in young leaves
Correction Measure
Foliar spray of ZnSO4@0.5%