Symptoms seen in old leaves; occurrence of interveinal chlorosis
Correction Measure
Foliar spray of MgSO4@1%
Boron deficiency symptoms
Boron deficiency symptoms
Newly emerging leaves found to be malformed with incomplete laminar development. Severe interveinal chlorosis and incomplete leaf formation,Root and flower formation are inhibited.
Corrective Measure :
Foliar spray of borax@0.2%
Calcium deficiency symptoms
Calcium Deficiency Symptoms
Calcium deficiency causing the tip to shorten, petal formation is reduced. Young leaves are distorted, older foliage become dull green and make curl down at the margins.
Corrective Measure :
CaCl2 @ 5 g/lit or CaNO3 5g/lit as foliar spray at 10 days intervals.
Zinc deficiency symptoms
Zinc deficiency Symptoms
This symptom shows early stages of younger leaves and the leaf lamina get reduced. Under severe deficiency flower setting is less.
Corrective Measure
Foliar spray of ZnSO4@0.5%
Iron deficiency symptoms
Iron deficiency Symptoms
Appearance of pale yellow colour on the leaves. Symptoms starts on younger leaves.
Corrective Measure :
Foliar spray of FeSO4@0.5%
Manganese deficiency symptoms
Manganese deficiency Symptoms
Yellowing of younger leaves and veins remain green in colour. plant growth may be reduced and stunted.
Corrective Measure :
Soil application of MnSO4 @ 5-10 g/plant or Foliar spray of MnSO4 0.5% at fortnightly intervals.