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Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency Symptoms:
Chlorosis of foliage. Interveinal areas became yellow or greenish yellow while leaf margins remained green. Mg deficiency starts as interveinal yellowing at the leaf margins on older leaves, which later become brown and withered interveinal yellowing and necrosis. Sunken necrotic spots which appeared shiny from back of leaf appear the first symptoms of Mg deficiency as discoloration of the margins. Yellowing progressed from base to the top of the plant.
Corrective Measure :
Foliar spraying of 2% MgSO4 twice at fortnightly interval or soil application of dolomite at 2 ton/ha or magnesium sulphate at 20 kg/ha.

Sulphur deficiency symptoms

Sulphur Deficiency Symptoms
Symptoms are somewhat similar to nitrogen deficiency. Younger leaves are affected. Lower leaves yellowish green while stems were hard and woody. Older leaves developed necrosis at tips and margins with development of small purple spots between the veins. Young leaves stiff and curled downward.
Corrective Measure :
Foliar spray of CaSO4 1% twice at fortnightly interval or gypsum @ 50 kg/ha.

Boron deficiency

Boron Deficiency Symptoms
Yellowish of the tips of the leaflets oldest leaves with prominent pink veins. Yellow spots then enlarged. Yellowing of the tips of lower leaves and brittleness of the leaflets and petioles. Yellow leaflet tips became dry and brown. Leaf margins remained free from such browning. Severe deficiency led to stiff, thick and shortened stems, death of the growing points and development of yellow, brown and purple areas on leaf. Uneven ripening and development of corky pits in fruits.
Corrective Measure
Foliar spray Borax 0.3% twice at fortnightly interval or soil application Borax 20 kg/ha.

Zinc deficiency symptoms

Zinc Deficiency Symptoms
Deficiency appears first on older leaves in the form of interveinal chlorosis. Inhibit both vegetative growth and fruit production. Shortened internodes, diminutive leaves with undercurling of leaflets, epinastic curvature of leaves and chlorosis. Oozing out of cell contents as a brown fluid from the leaves
Corrective Measure
Foliar spray of ZnSO4 1% twice at fortnightly interval.

Iron deficiency symptoms

Iron Deficiency Symptoms
Leaf veins remain green interveinal portion turns yellow young leaves small but not deformed.Retarded growth Interveinal chlorosis (yellowing of leaves, with green veins) Reduced fitness Iron is abundant in the soil but its availability to plants is limited due to its low solubility. Iron deficiency can occur in soils that are too alkaline or have poor drainage. High levels of other nutrients in the soil, such
Corrective Measure
Foliar spray of 0.5% FeSO4,

Molybdenum deficiency symptoms:

Molybdenum deficiency symptoms
Mottling in lower leaves followed by scorching of margins and inrolling. Extensive flower drop older leaves scenesced and dropped off prematurely with death of the growing point.
Corrective Measure:
Foliar spray of NaMO4 0.05% twice at weekly interval.

Calcium defiency

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms :
The plants became flaccid; dead spots appeared on the upper stems and the growing apex died. Upper leaf colouration initially was darker green, but, later turning yellow at the edges and died. Scorching and die back of the main stem, strong curing of the leaves inwards and downwards. Fruits showing blossom end rot were found to ripen less rapidly. Blossom end rot is closely associated with Ca deficiency of the fruit. Sunken region of few millimeters in width, near distal end of youngest fruit.
Corrective Measure :
Soil application of CaSO4 1 to 2 kg/acre or Foliar spray of CaCl2 0.5% thrice at fortnightly interval.

Manganese deficiency symptoms

Manganese deficiency symptoms
Reduction in leaf size and development of interveinal orange-yellow mottling over the tip. Mottling spreads over the whole leaflet turn yellow while the veins remain green. Numerous small, dark brown, necrotic spots with chlorosis in leaflets of very young leaves. Lamina becoming narrower and longer. Root system reduced than normal plants
Corrective Measure :
Foliar spray of MnSO4 0.5% twice at fortnightly interval.