Growth restricted. Leaves yellow colour strips and bend.
Corrective Measure :
Foliar spray of ZnSO4 0.5% twice at for nightly interval.
Calcium deficiency symptoms
Calcium Deficiency Symptoms
Leaf tips - or short lengths of the leaf - die back, without any previous yellowing of the leaf, causing the top of the leaf to fall over and die.
Corrective Measure :
Foliar spray of CaCl2@1%
Manganese deficiency symptoms
Manganese Deficiency Symptoms
Leaves show tip burn, light coloured and curling. Growth restricted. Bulbing delayed with thick necks.
Corrective Measure :
Foliar spray of MnSO4@ 0.3% twice at fortnightly interval.
Iron deficiency symptoms
Iron deficiency symptoms
Under extreme deficiencies, leaves become completely chlorotic and bleached.
Corrective Measure :
Foliar spray of FeSO4@0.5%
Copper deficiency symptoms
Copper deficiency symptoms
Scales become this and pale yellow colour. The bulbs lack firmness and solidity and early maturation leaves slow tip burn with Chlorate mottling.
Corrective Measure :
Foliar spray of CuSO4 0.3% twice at weekly interval.
Magnesium deficiency symptoms
Magnesium deficiency symptoms
Older leaves turn completely yellow along their entire length due to lack of chlorophyll. With progressing deficiency, browning and dieback of leaf tips will follow. Plant growth is considerously inhibited.
Corrective Measure :
Foliar spray of MgSO4 0.5% twice at weekly interval