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Calcium deficiency symptoms

Calcium Deficiency Symptoms
Complete cessation of top growth death of roots, which become dark & adhere together. Yellowing of leaves & shortening of internodes become very marked. Upper leaves form a rosette. Buds of growing points die. Lower leaves, which remain dark green, become stiff & brittle. Opening of flowers will delay.
Corrective Measure :
CaCl2 @ 5 g/lit or CaNO3 5g/lit as foliar spray at 10 days intervals.

Iron deficiency symptoms

Iron Deficiency Symptoms
Interveinal yellowing of leaves, reduction in size and delayed flowering with pale petal colour are the symptoms of iron deficiency. The veins are yellow, and chocolate-colored spots appear on the leaves. In case of severe iron deficiency, the margins of the leaves become necrotic.
Corrective Measure :
Foliar spray of FeSO4@0.5%

Boron deficiency symptoms

Boron Deficiency Symptoms
Peripheral flowers losing, turgidity, and also developing necrosis. Results in brittle & curled leaves with pale green tips curling upwards. Petals become quilled or will not open regularly. Branching of stem without flowering. Also delay in flowering.
Corrective Measure :
Borax 3g/lit as foliar spray during flowering. Borox 0.02 g/lit for 3-4 weeks alternately with irrigation corrects the deficiency.

Manganese deficiency symptoms

Manganese Deficiency Symptoms
General chlorosis and small necrotic spots near leaf edges and – petiole are the characteristics symptoms. Upper leaves are reduced in size.
Corrective Measure :
Foliar application of manganese sulphate at 0.6 g/l.